Digital Sketchbook
30/30 12o collective
30/30 is a month-long project for makers where participants are required to submit a new piece of work every day for the month of April. If they fail to submit something one day, they are out of the project. The project is open to everyone and any medium is encouraged. In 2021 over 571 artists of all ages are participating from 30 countries around the world!!
Day 1: Could your work have another function? What would it be?
A Sacred Lockdown Takeaway
Day 2: What brings you joy? Make a work by doing that.
Shredded Wheat Packaging Cat Toy Ball
Day 3: Can you make a tool to help you to make your work?
Recycle bin sourced boxes and paper flattened/prepared to use in future 30/30 briefs.
Research blog further
down the page
Day 4:
Make today a research day.down the page
Recycled aesthetics & ethos' blog post
Day 5: Is there a work you've been struggling to make? Give it a go!
Plastic waste leftover from 3D prints, thrown into chance formations
Day 6: Do you have a guilty pleasure? Make a work from that.
Happy Birthday/ Merry Christmas Darling
Day 7: Make a work for your window. Plastic patchwork (envelope windows, sweet cabbage bag, jaffa cake wrapper, tortilla packaging)
Day 8: Ask someone for feedback and take their advice.
Allergy advice still life
Day 9: When you make or display your work do you consider how people will access it? If not, how might this change how you make and display your work?
Ferrero Rocher eyes + adding [image des] pledge
Day 10: Instead of making a work at work, can you make a home at home?
Cardboard House Model Making (YouTube video)
Day 11: Take an old work and make it more commercial.
ONE DAY SALE $400 (Stick a pair of KAWS eyes on it)
Day 12: Collaborate with someone else today.
Hello World Code Drawing
Day 13: Remake yesterday's work.
Hello Worlds (soya milk top cut outs from Lidl Deluxe Easter Egg Packaging)
Day 14: Don't make anything today. Just send a description of what you would make. Pizza box drawing/painting OR Tangerine net cross stitch
Day 15: Does it take the path of least resistance?
Having a day off, See you tomorrow
Day 16: Make a work while you wait for your bath to run (that's how you overrun your bath)... make a work while you wait for your pasta water to boil (that's how you start a fire)... make a work while you wait for your tea to brew (that's how you get overstewed tea)... make a work while you put the washing on (that's how your forget about your laundry and it begins to smell musty)...
Felix hole punched cat food pouch chicken flavour -(waiting for BF to cook tea)
Frame Yourself filter on Snapchat (this is so awful but I dont have time to think today)
Day 18: Is there a bit of art-related admin you've been putting off? Of course there is! Maybe do that today? (How could that inspire the work you make?)
Developed new recycled materials filing system in studio
Papier Mache Balloon
Day 20: Take the unsolicited advice about your work.
Sick day - 我头疼
Day 21: What's your responsibility as a maker?
Female art history + ♡Self metta♡
Day 22: You're on a tv show as "an artist". Make a work that sum you up for commerical tv purposes.
Theresa Bruno written in algebraic symbols (sums me up) (not for TV tho)
Day 23: What does failure look like to you?Not understanding the material or process that you're using (sometimes it works but mostly doesnt)
Day 24: Use wikiHow to learn a new skill and make a work with it.
How to.. make paper from old scrap paper (shredded paper work)
Day 25: What is your work's archnemesis?
Day 25: What is your work's archnemesis?
Day 26: Write a review of one of your previous works.
Może być
Day 27: Make a work to give to someone else, and then give it to them.
IKEA jar wrapping origami lotuses. (Will give to new mitras when ceremony happens)
Day 28: Who or what nurtures your ideas?Nurture paper chain
Day 29: What have you learnt about yourself and your practice? What from this four weeks do you want to carry-on? Make a commitment.
Plastic free still life (To equal my domestic plastic free efforts into my art practice)
Day 30: Try making that work you've been wanting to make over the past month and never got around to making.
Plastic wrappers collage (Biscuit wrappers, Lidl Magnums, Super noodles, Lidl Rosemary, Tesco Tomato)
Recycled aesthetics & ethos research blog
30/30 project by 12o Collective - Day 4 Brief “Make today a research day.”
El Anatsui

Tony Cragg

Yuken Teruya

Chiharu Shiota

Cod Steaks

Von Wong

Hiroshi Fuji

Susan Stockwell

Orly Genger

Subodh Gupta

Izaskun Chinchilla Architects

Alejandro Aravena

Social Media Research
Thisladyrox Facebook page


Fashion & Design
Sijia - Chongqing, China
“I would like to try (not being so strict) to buy less, and only buy things that I really need. It’s really hard to have a minimal life, trying to close it. This society is too impetuous, I am one of them. I think doing this kind of recycling work and non-consumerism gives me a spiritual support. There was a period in my life where I changed my thought about fashion as I felt I was in a cycle to create something exaggerated but I think the best things are everlasting. When I was at university my projects resulted in alot of waste material, I want to make something useful with those things. I also love the idea of “scavenging”, I like to pick some branches, some flowers, some stones, they are all beautiful, they are natural things that can decorate the home. I go to food factories and pick up plastic packaging now as materials for my work.
I used to be the person who was in a rush, full of energy all the time. Would like to go shopping and buy alot of clothes..and I think it’s normal in my age in this consumerist society. But I think all the things will just make me more blundering. I am tired of been in a rush. I start to accept it though sometimes it is still hard. I think this new lifestyle will make me calmer in this fickle world.”
Petal & Metal - UK based maker of environmentally conscious, bohemian flair, slow, artisan, emotion lead design, bridal accessories 🌾& mental health advocate🙏🏻Norfolk
“so it's all a mix... some is totally recycled others is a mix but always biodegradable if its not recycled... and always improving my sourcing to improve how sustainable it is as its a journey as I go. I source my materials from a wide variety of places from charity shops to gifts from friends to really making the most of my old stock. When I started my business, I always wanted it to be sustainable but unfortunately it is not easy to do when you don’t have money. Another barrier is that society is not built to support a sustainable approaches which makes it much harder. It is a constant ongoing process of trying to source eco-materials whenever they’re needed. It’s hard work.
“so it's all a mix... some is totally recycled others is a mix but always biodegradable if its not recycled... and always improving my sourcing to improve how sustainable it is as its a journey as I go. I source my materials from a wide variety of places from charity shops to gifts from friends to really making the most of my old stock. When I started my business, I always wanted it to be sustainable but unfortunately it is not easy to do when you don’t have money. Another barrier is that society is not built to support a sustainable approaches which makes it much harder. It is a constant ongoing process of trying to source eco-materials whenever they’re needed. It’s hard work.
I remember being young, really having a connection to older items because they seemed to have a character, an otherness that I could connect with. When I use vintage lace, there is something that happens in the making process where the richness in the history enhances the making and the beauty of the item. Using a piece of lace that you know was handmade by a woman feels different to a newer piece of lace, which we know is made on the other side of the world in poor conditions. The piece above is particulalry close to my heart, because its made from an old piece of lace that was half falling apart, belonging to a line of ladies in my family... great aunts and grandmas etc... the idea of meaning in vintage materials, and the fact things get a chance to be something, is really magical.”
120 Neck Tie Upcycled Skirts
by SewSomer on Etsy
Wyatt and Jack - sustainable bags from broken bouncy castles, deckchairs & inflatables
by SewSomer on Etsy
Wyatt and Jack - sustainable bags from broken bouncy castles, deckchairs & inflatables
Crystabel Efemena Riley -
MAKE-UPARTIST: ----- Green---Beauty---Rituals-----Explored-
“Can't wait for it to be easier to recycle beauty products. But for now we did the long walk to Liverpool Street to leave it with the @maybelline @terracycleuk thanks for leading the way with this and hopefully more will join. Always check the website of which shops offer the service as it's not that many”
“Commissure faded lips on Aweng w/ organic-cold-pressed-wild crafted-plant oil-filled lipstick by @rmsbeauty on @awengchuol”
“Can't wait for it to be easier to recycle beauty products. But for now we did the long walk to Liverpool Street to leave it with the @maybelline @terracycleuk thanks for leading the way with this and hopefully more will join. Always check the website of which shops offer the service as it's not that many”
“Commissure faded lips on Aweng w/ organic-cold-pressed-wild crafted-plant oil-filled lipstick by @rmsbeauty on @awengchuol”
Domestic Recycling Projects
Backrest in kayak made from plastic from old wheelie bin. Rudder for kayak as above.

Old wardrobe turned into two tables.

Old wardbrobe turned into one storage box.

Damaged sail , cloth used to make a duffel bag

Guttering to make storage for kitchen foil, cling film etc

Old metal dog bowl as chimney cowl.

Extendable shovel handle from old invalid crutch